Monday, November 30, 2015

                 Student Success Statement 

Image result for joseph b wirthlin "Kindnes is the essence of greatness."- Joseph B. Wirthlin 

What this quote is saying is that kindness is the biggest key to greatness. because being kind or doing something with kindness leads to something good. Anything else can be the essence of greatness but being kind, or doing something with kindness is always the best way of essence of greatness. For example, you do something kind for someone like a loved one or just anyone you will feel happy and feel good in the inside and that can lead you to greatness. SO its always good to be kind or do something kind for other people for you can feel good and happy like you are going to make them and yourself for doing soemthing kind so kindness is the essence of greatness.

            Thanksgiving Week 

On thanksgiving I was with my family at my uncles house. All of the adults were in the living-room talking and most of the kids were running around playing and the other kids were watching movies in the room. We ate turky, Samsh potatoes and other stuff. After we ate my sister took my mom,aunt,and my little cousins to shop for Black Friday. I spend the night at my uncles house. But some people that i meet was some of my cousins from New York, and Mexico and i also meet my other uncle wife and other family members that i did not know. I read some books, i went to the movies with my cosin and i did other things. My CTR experiences were good i didn't get in truble all week I choosed the right all week. Some other things i did was that my mom took me and all of my cousin shopping. That was my thanksgiving week. 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

   "If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it." -Marcus Aurelius

Image result for Marcus Aurelius
What this quote is saying is that if something is not right you should not do it like if someone telles you to go with them and steal a store you should not do it because it is not right andd if it is not true you should not say it like for example if you talk about someone but you are not saying the truth about that person you should not say anything even tho you do not like them. You should not do anthing that is not right because it can get you in truble and you should not say anything that is not true because you would have to try to keep up with your lie or it might get you in a fight if you are saying makeup things about another person. 

           Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day 

Thanksgiving day is a  national holiday that is celebrated in Canada and the United States to give thanks and blessing of the havest and the preceding year. Also other places around the world celebrated kinda the similar way. Thanksgiving is a historical roots in religious and cultural tridation thats has been celebrated in a secular manner as well. Its to express our gratitued especially to GOD. Thanksgaiving is a day where we can all show are apprecation to give thanks to everything you have no matter what and to spend time with that family watch some football. The familys on thanksgiving they go and see some festivities and go christmas shopping. Thanksgaivig is a day where every family just gets together. Some things that i am thankful for are
  1.  My family 
  2. MY friends 
  3. having a home 
  4. having all of my siblings with me 
  5. for what i have 
  6. my home that my mom works hard for 
  7. my pets 
  8. my am thankful for everything 
  9. have a education 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

         Student success stament 

Image result for chick moorman"Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing." - Chick Moorman 

What this quote is saying is that winning or losing does not really matter because you are always are going to be a winner even if you lost. Doing the right thing being fair and honorable is much better that winning or losing because if  you do all of those thing you will winn all the time. Always to the right always be fair always be honorable even tho no one is looking because it will make you feel good in the insaide you will always feel like a winner because you were doing the right thing being fair and honorable you feel good in the inside. So always do the right thing even tho if you loss or win doing the right thing and everything eles good is the key of winning anything i don't mean games and other things i mean you will always be winning the happynees that you will have inside of you.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Student Success Statement 

1. Have the courage to say no.
2. Have the courage to face the truth.
Image result for integrity3. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity." - W. Clement Stone 
 This means that you should do the right thing and have the courage to say no when someone offers you to smoke or steal or ditch school and other bad things have the courage to say NO. Also have the courage to face the truth like if you are failing all your classes you should tell your mom or you mess up like stale are did something wrong and you get cough you should say it was you because you should face the truth. The quote also that always do the right thing not just because you want to impress someone you should always do the right thing for yourself for you can feel good in the inside and because its just good to do the right thing all the time.So do the right thing.


      Health Sciences Librarian
Duties and Responsibilities: A health sciences librarian works in libraries or resource centers located in hospitals, research centers, or medical schools... They do much of the work a typical librarian would do, such acquiring and cataloging books and assisting those who are using the library for research or educational purposes, but they work with health-related materials. Many provide information to families, working with medical staff to approve educational resources, or to collect data and manage newsletters. They also maintain day-to-day operations of the library, covering some basic administrative duties.Salary: 47,808
Education: You need a bachelor’s of science degree in Library Science Health Science a medical librarian have to have a master’s degree in Library Science and you can also pursue if you have already earned a bachelor’s degree in a related field. Some programs offer combined degrees in library science and health informatics or health science and if you only have a library science degree, you will likely need some educational training in health sciences, as medical librarians need to understand medical references and be familiar with online medical
databases. Image result for health sciences librarian

I would not like to be one it seams boring..

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

                  Veterans Day

1. What is Veterans Day?
Veterans Day is a holiday that is held on the anniversary of the end of World War 1 (November 11) to honor US and victims of all wars. It replaced Armistice Day in 1954.
2.  When is it?
November 11

3.  What is the purpose of Veterans Day?
To honor the end of World War 1 and the people who was in it.

4. Why is it important to show honor on Veterans Day?
Important to honor because it is time to see what the people did for us in the war and that who survived our country

5.  List several ways to show honor and respect on Veterans Day?

Volunteer with veteran’s program, help veterans families, say “thank you” is just a small simple way to show respect, Send a “Cheer” postcard to military families is another way and there more things you can do.Image result for veterans dayImage result for veterans day1. Write anything else of special interest to you pertaining to Veterans Day
Just to honor the things that the people did for our country!!!

2.      Reflection
The way I feel about Veterans Day is that is a good thing that they made it as a holiday because I think we should honor the people who died for us. 

Friday, November 6, 2015

                        Student Success Statement 

He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed - Proverbs 13:20

Image result for people graduating from high schoolWhat this quote is saying that if you hang out with the right people that dress nice do good in school that does not use foul language and work hard and more good thing you are going to be like them you are going to want to do the right thing because you are around wise people you are going to be just like them. But if you hang out with people that steal do drugs they do not work hard does not go to school as often and are always in and out of jail you would probably be like them your going to want to copy what they do you might do drugs, steal with them and other things so it's always good to hang out with wise people that they are doing the right thing don't hang out with fools that can destroy you. Be a CTR Person and hang out with wise people.

Image result for people doing drugs

            They are choosing the wrong--------->                                        

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

                                        To do good                           

Image result for william penn"The best recreation is to do good."-William Penn

What this quote is saying is that if you do something you enjoy you will end up feeling good in the inside. Like for example, if you take a walk in the park, take a walk at the beach, hear music, stay home read a book and other things make you feel good that's is a good recreation. Doing something relaxing and something you enjoy is a good recreation because you end up feeling happy good in the inside. Another example can be that maybe you just like to go to museum's and that makes you feel happy. A good recreation is better than a bad recreation because bad recreation can get you in trouble so always make a good recreation something positive for yourself.