Friday, February 12, 2016

Charisma Anderson
                                                                                                                                  February 10, 2016                                                                                                                                             

                        Anita's Death 

There Is always an unexpected thing that can happen in any event like a lot of things can happen  like something tragic like someone can die and you cannot do anything to stop that or a lot things can  happen  on accident but it can be your fault in some parts of the event. In Across a Hundred Mountains by Reyna Grande there is a girl name Juana who was responsible of taking care of her little sister in a stormy night in a flooded house. Juana is sleepy but she had her sister in her arms. But Juana accidentally falls asleep and Anita was not in her arms when her mom comes home. Ama is responsible of Anita's death.

Ama should have not left Juana with the baby. Anita did not want to stay with Juana," The baby let out a cry and opened her arms to her mother"(9). Anita was not countable that Juana was going to take care of her because Anita wants her mom to carry her not Juana. But Ama still wanted Juana to take care of her sister but a good idea that the mom could of think of is that she could of taken Juana and the baby with her wherever she was going she was going but Ama did not think of that so she just left Juana in charge of the baby.

In addition Juana did not trust herself taking care of her sister by herself in a flooded house. Juana tries to tell ama that she don’t feel comfortable taking care of Anita by herself but Ama dose not let her talk, "I'll go look for help," Ama said, She walked back to Juana and handed her the baby..." But Ama-"(9). Ama wanted to go look for help to bring Apa home from work but the house was flooded and it was raining really hard and Ama wanted to leave Juana by herself with the baby and Juana knew that something wrong could of happen. Juana knew that she could not trust herself with the baby because she has never taken of Anita by herself especially in a flooded house. But Ama did really care, all she wanted was to go look for help.

In addition, to that Juana feel asleep and dropped her sister in the water. Juana accidentally dropped her sister, “What had she been holding so tightly right before she fell asleep?" Juana where's your sister?" Ama asked (13). Juana accidently dropped her sister. It was not stoppable that Juana could not fall asleep she was really tired. Ama was cognizant that Juana was not holding her. 

Even though, others may argue that it's not Ama fault because it was Juana responsibility. I believe that it is still Ama fault because why did she leave an infant with a minor that felt unsure with herself taking care of a baby in flooded house

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